Verizon Email One of the most decorated email platforms, the Verizon email service is as close as one can be to perfection. It offers state of the art security protocols along with a wide range of high-end features to choose from. As it is said that all good things must come to an end, the same happened with the Verizon email services as they retired the webmail platform and now tons of users from around the globe can only access their accounts with the help of third-party email clients. Many users find this alternative wholesome while some face severe distress since they are unaware of the setup procedure. If you are not one of the tech-savvy users, then worry not as we bring you a simple guide on how you can access your mail using third-party email clients. The set up includes two important protocols, the SMTP settings to send emails and the POP or IMAP settings to receive emails. Steps to set up Verizon SMTP email settings Click on more settings ...